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my friendss
Sunday 11 March 2012 | 03:32 | 0 comments
ermmmmm...sediyh lha pulop serooo cuz oe akn khilangan sore lagy rkn yg sgt baek dgn oe...

ni lha die orgnye...cantik dan comel right???(yg baju biru tue)name gelarannye ialah FAEY...im totally misz her..bilo die pindoh,the most things that i miss is..
die xdop mso ary rabu:were bomba:DD
(ipooh,bo ngarut kokse kokdang)

actually,oe nk mitop maap klu slame oe jadik saem FAEY,sokmo mnyakitkn aty,memarahi anda or ape2 yg brkenaan..hrap dmaapkan yer..
n,ingat sopmo f2 di scipp neh..kitorg sopmo engat koe FAEY..dok molep sanoe deh..

hohooh..n this is special 4 ue dear..

lau x spesel pom xpoelah deh..oe x panda manoe bab jiwang2 nim..

totally:i'm gonna miss ue frens

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